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Unified Data Foundation

The prevalence of data silos in financial institutions poses a significant challenge, hindering the extraction of valuable insights and long-term growth. As the volume and complexity of customer data continues to grow, it is crucial to break down these silos and establish a unified data foundation. This article explores the concept of a unified data approach, its role in addressing data silos, and its importance in the banking industry.

What is a unified data approach in banking?

A unified data approach in the banking sector involves centralizing customer data within financial institutions, thereby providing a comprehensive understanding of each customer. This methodology enables banks to consolidate information from disparate sources, eliminating the need to access data already stored within the organization.

How to tackle data silos with a unified data foundation

The implementation of a unified data approach is critical in mitigating data silos. By unifying customer data, financial institutions can create a single source of truth that empowers bankers with a complete view of a customer's relationship with the bank. This approach enhances the banking experience, particularly during complex processes like commercial lending, and facilitates tailored product and service recommendations without necessitating additional resources.

Moreover, a unified data framework powered by AI enables near-real-time data analysis and centralization. This allows bank leaders to engage with customers seamlessly, fostering an environment that promotes trust and loyalty.

Benefits of having a unified data approach

Enhanced security and compliance: A unified data foundation offers a high level of security with centralized data management and robust access controls. This safeguards sensitive customer information and simplifies compliance with regulatory requirements. Gone are the days of scrambling to reconcile data from disparate sources for audits.

Data-driven innovation: Imagine having all your customer data—transactions, interactions, preferences—readily available in one place. A unified foundation empowers banks to leverage powerful data analytics. Banks can identify trends, refine services, and adapt to evolving customer needs by analyzing customer behavior and feedback alongside transactional data. This data-driven approach fosters innovation and helps banks identify and address gaps in their offerings, leading to a more competitive edge.

Unlocking efficiency and growth: Unification significantly reduces operational costs for banks. Previously, resources were wasted on maintaining and reconciling data from siloed systems. A unified approach streamlines these processes, freeing up resources for more strategic initiatives like customer service customization and optimization. Additionally, the scalability of unified data platforms empowers banks to expand their operations and customer base without encountering data management bottlenecks.

How AI is the driving force of a unified data foundation

True magic happens when AI is integrated with a unified data foundation. AI algorithms can analyze vast datasets within the unified system, generating deeper customer insights and predictive analytics. This empowers banks to personalize product recommendations, anticipate customer needs, and proactively address potential risks. While the exact number is difficult to pinpoint due to ongoing implementation, a growing number of banks recognize the transformative power of this synergistic approach. By embracing a unified data strategy and leveraging AI's analytical prowess, banks are positioning themselves for sustainable growth in the ever-evolving financial landscape.

This is how AI unlocks additional advantages when coupled with a unified data approach:

  • Streamlined operations: AI-powered automation can handle repetitive tasks like loan processing and fraud detection, freeing up human resources to focus on more strategic initiatives. This translates to faster turnaround times and improved operational efficiency.
  • Intelligent financial advice: AI algorithms can analyze vast datasets to identify trends and predict market movements. This refined understanding enables banks to offer their clients more intelligent and adaptive financial advice.
  • Improved customer service: AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants can provide 24/7 customer support, offering faster resolution to inquiries and a more convenient experience.
  • Accurate financial reporting: AI can automate data collection and analysis, leading to faster and more accurate financial reporting for banks.

However, unlocking AI's full potential in banking requires careful consideration. Data security and privacy remain paramount concerns. Banks must ensure robust security measures to protect sensitive customer information. Additionally, ethical considerations surrounding AI bias and fairness must be addressed to ensure responsible implementation.


We at Mastech InfoTrellis prioritize a client-centric approach, ensuring a deep understanding of strategic goals before crafting solutions. Rather than adopting a "build it, and they will come" mentality, we focus on identifying integral initiatives and the specific use cases that support them. This approach ensures the built data foundation is customized to meet these specific needs. By prioritizing strategic alignment, we foster a more agile and flexible approach. This allows the data infrastructure to evolve and adapt alongside the organization's changing needs, ensuring long-term success in the dynamic landscape of AI and ML.


As banks continue to navigate the evolving industry landscape, a unified data approach powered by AI is emerging as a critical enabler of success. A unified data foundation empowers banks to deliver improved services, mitigate risks, and foster sustainable growth by centralizing data management, enhancing security, and driving informed decision-making. With AI adoption on the rise, the future of banking will undoubtedly be shaped by its integration with a unified data approach.

If you need help to unlock the total value of your customer data, watch this webinar to learn how data-driven insights can transform your bank. They can empower you to create exceptional customer experiences, develop groundbreaking services, and strengthen compliance efforts. Watch the session and discover how to leverage your data goldmine.


Deepti Soni

Director, Data Science and Analytics

Deepti Soni is a Data Science professional with more than ten years of experience in architecting innovative analytical solutions for strategic business problems.