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Graph Technology


Businesses are embracing graph technology as the ultimate solution to unlock valuable insights from data and drive unprecedented growth. A recent study by Gartner states that by 2025, graph-based systems are projected to power a staggering 80% of data and analytics innovations, soaring from a mere 10% in 2021. Graph databases assert their dominance by showcasing the intricate web of interconnected data, unraveling relationships that surpass the capabilities of traditional tabular SQL systems. While graph technology boasts a long-standing history, its integration into AI applications has become a recent and commanding breakthrough. With the power of graphs, AI systems can now unlock unprecedented capabilities to unravel intricate data connections, propelling innovation to new heights. Mastech InfoTrellis has pioneered the graph-based analytics landscape powered by AI, enabling businesses of diverse industries to experience enhanced decision-making with unparalleled data accuracy and transformative insights. This article delves into the profound impact of graph technology on the advancement of AI, illuminating its capacity to deliver heightened accuracy in analytics for superior decision-making. Additionally, it comprehensively examines some critical use cases of graph-based solutions for AI applications, which organizations need to scale their businesses.

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Graph technology – Fueling the AI revolution and shaping the future

Graph technology establishes a commanding framework for data representation and data monetization epitomized by the visual manifestation of a graph. It unveils the intricate tapestry of relationships by employing nodes and edges to depict interconnections between diverse data components like individuals, products, or events. Harnessing the potential of graphs as formidable instruments enables extensive comprehension of complex data dynamics and reigns supreme as a cornerstone of analytics applications. Delivering the power of data insights with unparalleled efficacy, graph technology's visual representation unveils intricate relationships between information, enabling profound understanding and analysis. This invaluable tool propels AI applications forward by analyzing complex connections. Mastech InfoTrellis effortlessly delivers precise analytics with graph technology, empowering businesses to make data-driven decisions and spearheading AI evolution. Moreover, optimized storage, lightning-fast computations, efficient and enriched data monetization capabilities make graph algorithms outpace traditional methods, accelerating data processing to new horizons. Graph technology is revolutionizing the AI landscape, greatly enhancing applications like natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning (ML). Here are some of the types of graph technology that support these Artificial Intelligence applications:

  • Graph neural networks – Graph neural networks harness deep learning capabilities to predict intricate data structures, where objects and their connections form nodes and edges in a graph. Nodes represent data points, while edges encode relationships, enabling machine learning algorithms to yield predictions at node, edge, or graph levels.
  • Graph databases – Ideal for AI applications, graph databases are robust database systems that recognize the significance of data connections alongside the data itself. Graph databases provide flexible data storage, breaking free from rigid models, and enable clear representation of entities and their interconnected relationships within the database. Graph databases offer efficient data monetization opportunities, empowering AI applications by enabling precise data relationships and insights for targeted and valuable services.
  • Knowledge graphs – Knowledge graphs go beyond traditional graph databases, focusing on intricate relationships between entities. They represent structured information about the real world, including entities, their attributes, and semantic relationships, interlinked intelligently. They are designed to capture human-readable knowledge. Knowledge graphs capture the meaning of data through ontologies in a way that is understandable by both humans and machines, enabling AI systems to perform intricate semantic reasoning akin to human intelligence.

Benefits of graph technology in AI-based applications

As AI stands at the forefront, ready to propel the forthcoming wave of technological disruption spanning diverse industries, graph technology is foundational to artificial intelligence as a vital catalyst for its evolution. Moreover, leveraging graph solutions empowers businesses to extract precise insights on variable relationships, enabling data-driven decision-making at its best. The following benefits are ideal for businesses looking to utilize graph technology for optimizing AI applications seamlessly:

  • Improved insights – Utilizing graph technology in data analytics yields an essential advantage – unraveling intricate patterns that might elude conventional approaches. Graphs easily depict complex relationships, enabling comprehensive understanding and analysis. For example, a graph-based system can analyze data and identify fraudulent financial and supply chain activities. By accurately mapping node and edge relationships, the graph-based system seamlessly unveils the hidden dimensions of complex data, unearthing untapped insights that conventional approaches conceal. By harnessing the power of graph technology, businesses can swiftly extract invaluable insights and execute informed decisions, ranging from precision product recommendations to laser-focused marketing campaigns.
  • Efficient monetization of enriched data – Graphs empower expedited access to extensive data volumes, outpacing traditional approaches with their unparalleled efficiency in processing vast datasets. This exceptional attribute renders them ideal for critical applications demanding rapid data retrieval, exemplified by domains like facial recognition and traffic analysis. Moreover, graph algorithms are meticulously engineered to swiftly execute intricate computations, solidifying their position as superior to conventional methods for data monetization in speed and performance.
  • Enhanced accuracy – Empowering AI projects with improved accuracy and reliability, graph technology simplifies intricate problems into manageable components for efficient machine comprehension and processing. Graphs model complex relationships in data, which enhances contextual understanding and enables more precise predictions and decision-making. By leveraging knowledge graphs, AI systems gain profound insights into complex subjects, surpassing human understanding. By delivering precise analytics, graph technology empowers businesses to make data-driven decisions of unparalleled quality

Here are some prevalent use cases in which graph-based systems have unleashed the full potential of data analytics and AI applications.

  • Usage of NLP for better customer experience – Graph technology plays a pivotal role in boosting the efficiency of AI-based applications, prominently through its integration with natural language processing (NLP). Natural language processing (NLP) is the cornerstone for comprehending and deriving valuable insights from spoken or written language. Graph databases excel in this domain, leveraging their interconnected structure to store and uncover intricate patterns and relationships between words, sematic reasoning capabilities enabling a deeper understanding and interpretation of textual data. By using the power of graphs, AI systems achieve enhanced accuracy and knowledge in processing natural language, paving the way for unparalleled efficiency and effectiveness in diverse application domains.
  • Advanced network analysis - Graph technology has proven to be an invaluable tool in network analysis across various domains, harnessing the power to uncover hidden patterns and connections, thus providing valuable insights. In the realm of fraud detection, it excels at uncovering intricate patterns of fraudulent behavior that might go unnoticed with traditional methods. By modeling the relationships between transactions, customers, and other relevant entities as nodes and edges in a graph, financial institutions can identify anomalous activities, detect money laundering schemes, and prevent fraudulent transactions in real-time. In the context of supply chain management, graph technology offers visibility and optimization capabilities. It allows companies to map out their supply chain networks, trace the flow of goods and information, and identify bottlenecks or vulnerabilities. This level of insight enables organizations to streamline their supply chains, improve inventory management, and respond more effectively to disruptions, ultimately enhancing the efficiency and resilience of their operations.
  • Improving data governanceGraph technology is a formidable ally in fortifying security measures, including robust data encryption, to safeguard sensitive information from unauthorized access. Graph databases are instrumental in ensuring data integrity and fortifying the protection of valuable assets by maximizing the value of complex entity associations. Furthermore, graph-based solutions are widely utilized to streamline user identity and permission management, enabling organizations to meticulously define user roles and enforce specific access policies by establishing node relationships within a robust graph database. This proactive approach restricts unauthorized operations and privileges, safeguarding sensitive information with utmost precision and minimizing potential threats.
  • Holistic customer perspective – Graph databases are crucial in unlocking a business's interconnected nature of customers, products, and services. By transcending traditional table-based structures, graph databases reveal hidden relationships and patterns, empowering data scientists and business users to explore complex customer data in real-time. With the ability to understand and analyze the intricate web of customer interactions across multiple touchpoints, AI charts, and graphs provide a powerful tool for gaining deeper insights into customer connections and driving informed decision-making.
  • Optimizing online retail operations – In the fiercely competitive e-commerce landscape, delivering exceptional customer experiences driven by precise customer details and purchase histories is imperative. Graph databases provide a significant breakthrough, enabling businesses to analyze many relationships in real-time swiftly. Streamlining these capabilities, retail e-commerce firms can dynamically adapt to evolving customer profiles, deliver personalized recommendations, and foster more engaging customer interactions.

Mastech InfoTrellis excels in its profound expertise in graph technology, empowering organizations with invaluable data insights to drive agile and informed decision-making with remarkable precision. Harnessing the power of the most robust and adaptable semantic layer, explainable AI, and reusable data modeling, the esteemed data experts seamlessly optimize data analytics, enable ubiquitous data access for cost reduction, and facilitate superior data-driven decision-making and transformative business outcomes. Focusing on the power of MDM, Data Integration, Data Catalogs, and Graph Databases, Mastech InfoTrellis seamlessly integrates and unifies data, constructing an interconnected web of graphs that drives unparalleled business growth and insights.

Elevating business potential with graph technology – now and in the future

Graph-based systems are exponentially transforming businesses for unprecedented success. Graph technology has firmly established its prowess in bolstering AI evolution, with an ever-expanding realm of possibilities on the horizon. Empowered by graph algorithms, businesses will effortlessly extract profound insights and foster intelligent decision-making. Moreover, graph databases offer cost-effective solutions, sparing organizations from hefty IT infrastructure investments, thanks to their scalability and performance advantages. The convergence of graph technology and artificial intelligence (AI) heralds a realm of boundless opportunities. With its transformative potential to automate tasks, forecast outcomes, and enhance decision-making, AI finds a compelling ally in graph technology. By harnessing the power of graph databases, AI transcends traditional limitations to tackle intricate problems with unprecedented efficacy. For instance, the stark combination of graph technology and AI enables the detection of fraudulent activities within complex financial networks, empowering businesses to safeguard their customers and pre-emptively mitigate risks. Moreover, the synergy of AI graphs allows firms to optimize customer service by leveraging AI-driven customer data analysis, unearthing invaluable patterns that revolutionize customer interactions, elevate service quality, and elevate overall customer satisfaction. The future of graph technology and AI applications for businesses is undeniably promising, presenting a transformative landscape of unparalleled potential. These cutting-edge technologies possess the capacity to unravel complex challenges and propel businesses toward multifaceted improvements. From data analysis to decision-making, graph technology and AI offer a robust arsenal of solutions that can revolutionize operations, enhance efficiencies, and unlock new avenues of growth. With their complementary capabilities, these AI charts and graphs are vital to unlocking exceptional opportunities and reshaping the fabric of business landscapes.


Graph technology is poised to transform the landscape of data management, data monetization and business decision-making. Its ability to uncover complex relationships and deliver actionable insights offers a revolutionary approach to handling data. By adopting graph technology, businesses can unlock the full potential of their data and gain a competitive edge in today's data-driven world. The benefits of AI graphs extend beyond efficient storage and retrieval. Its flexible and scalable architecture enables businesses to store and analyze vast amounts of data efficiently. This saves costs and allows for faster and more accurate decision-making. In addition, graph technology empowers users to navigate through intricate connections within their data, revealing hidden patterns and trends. This level of data exploration enables businesses to make informed decisions and seize opportunities that may have otherwise gone unnoticed. As a result, the potential of graph technology to revolutionize data management and decision-making is immense. Its ability to handle complex relationships, provide real-time insights, and enhance overall data-driven operations makes it an invaluable asset for businesses. The graph-based system offers an all-encompassing perspective of data, capturing complex connections between entities. As a result, organizations can discern influential factors, unearth anomalies, discover patterns and support in forecasting future outcomes with unmatched precision. This holistic comprehension empowers businesses to discover customer behavior, market dynamics, and operational efficacy. We at Mastech InfoTrellis are successfully embracing graph technology, offering businesses of various industries a lucrative opportunity to stay ahead of the curve, unlock untapped potential within their data, and drive innovation across multiple sectors. Mastech InfoTrellis empowers businesses to capitalize on the vast opportunities presented by graph technology and harness its transformative power.


Deepti Soni

Director, Data Science and Analytics

Deepti Soni is a Data Science professional with more than ten years of experience in architecting innovative analytical solutions for strategic business problems.